Youth in Care
Continued Care and Support for Youth
Continued Care and Support for Youth (CCSY) is a support service provided to former Extended Society Care who require assistance beyond their 18th birthday in order to successfully assist in the transition to inter-dependence. It is directed by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services that the financial and emotional support afforded by CCSY services could be continued until the former extended society care attains the age of 21 years.

Former Extended Society Care between the ages of 18 years and 21 years who have maintained their extended society care status until their 18th birthday can approach their Parent Society to request CCSY support. Bill 210 legislation has also rendered that young people who are being cared for by legal custody and customary care agreements are also eligible to receive CCSY support at the age of 18 years. This program supports our youth in care through the completion of their secondary/post-secondary education, job training, upgrading, lifeskill programming, clinical interventions etc.
Youth can access CCSY Support in whatever community they live in.