Youth in Care
G.O.A.L.S. Program
(Good Outcomes And Living Successfully)
The Children’s Aid Society of Nipissing and Parry Sound have a GOALS Worker whose role is to provide youth in care or former youth in care with education, coaching and support to enhance their life skills to ensure that our youth are better prepared for living independently. The program includes group and individual work.

Some of the skills that our youth are encouraged to enhance are self care, apartment living, money management, cooking and employable skills. Partnerships have been established with other community agencies to provide workshops and hands-on learning experiences for the youth.
The GOALS Program also provides additional emotional support to our youth to ensure a smooth transition to independence.
Eligible youth are former Extended Society Wards or youth who were eligible to receive Continued Care and Support for Youth (CCSY) or Extended Care and Maintenance (ECM) and are between 21 and 25 years of age.
This includes youth who:
- Had Extended Society Ward status that expired at age 18;
- Were subject to a protection (formal) customary care agreement or a protection custody order at age 18; or
- Were eligible for support under the Renewed Youth Support (RYS) program.
Independence Groups run yearly from Oct to May
Topics covered:
- Resume/Cover letter/Interview Skills
- Cooking
- Mental Health/Healthy Relationship
- First Aid Training
- Internet Safety
- Apartment Search/Landlord Tenant Board
- Christmas Dinner
- Home Maintenance & More
- Resume/Cover Letter/Interview Skills
- Cooking
- Mental Health/Healthy Relationship
- First Aid Training
- Internet Safety
- Apartment Search/Landlord Tenant Board
- Christmas Dinner
- Home Maintenance & More