Services and Programs
Mothers in Mind
Mothers in Mind® (MIM) is a twelve-week trauma-informed program specifically designed to meet the parenting needs of mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence and have children under the age of four. The program helps mothers learn ways to manage stress and other challenging feelings, foster healthy self-esteem and respond to their children in a sensitive, supportive, and effective manner.

Early Intervention Services Staff work in partnership with The Children’s Aid Society of the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound to provide mothers with an opportunity to meet new people with shared experiences in a warm, welcoming, and playful setting where parenting strengths are celebrated and new and exciting connections are made!

MIM was developed by Child Development Institute (CDI), an accredited children’s mental health agency offering early intervention, family violence and early learning programs.
There is no cost to attend this program, food is available as well as access to child friendly toys and resources. Assistance with transportation is available, if needed.
To learn more or to register for the program, please email
To download to the referral form, click here.