About Us
Resolving Service Complaints
We are Here to Help
The Children’s Aid Society of the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound (CASNPS) strives to provide the best possible services to children, youth, and their families.
CASNPS acknowledges an individual’s right to complain when dissatisfied, and views complaints as an opportunity to listen and learn.
If your complaint is unresolved following a meeting with your worker and their supervisor, we welcome the opportunity for you to meet with a senior leader to further discuss your matter.

If your attempts to address issues at this level have been unsuccessful, CASNPS has a formal complaint review process which involves engaging an Internal Complaints Review Panel (ICRP). The ICRP is comprised of individuals who have no knowledge or involvement of the activities related to you and/or your family.
For more information on CASNPS’ Complaint Policy, please click the links below. To schedule a meeting with a senior leader, please email us at more.info@parnipcas.org.