Report Concerns About A Child
Your call could save a child’s life or help a family in need.
Our job is to work first and foremost to keep families together and your call may help us connect with families who could benefit by the support and services we have available.
Many people feel anxious or guilty about calling CAS and second-guess their intuition. You do not have to be sure abuse is happening when you call us with your concerns. You just need to use your best judgment. Once a call is made, we will make an assessment using trained child welfare workers to determine the risk to children and youth.

In Ontario, it is the law to report suspected child abuse or neglect.
Everyone, including members of the public and professionals who work closely with children, is required by law to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is or may be in need of protection, you must report it to a Children’s Aid Society (CAS).
What Happens When You Call?
- Your report will be received by a CAS worker who will assess the levels of risk and urgency for each situation based on comprehensive guidelines.
- As part of the assessment, provincial database is checked for past involvement of the family or individual with any other CAS. This information is used, along with other information, to help inform us on next steps.
- If warranted, a child protection worker will investigate the allegations reported.
Minor and serious calls are very important.
Although every call is handled very seriously, one call in itself may not warrant an investigation. However, if multiple calls are received or a pattern emerges then it may be indicative of the need for further assessment. For this reason, we encourage concerned community members to call regardless of how minor or serious their concern may be for the child. As well, any background information gathered at this time will enhance the ability to evaluate further calls in a timely manner.